Saturday, October 04, 2008

French Solidarity with Mumia, Peltier and Indian Peoples of the Americas

On Saturday October 11th, in France, the Bobigny Committee in Solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier will be holding a day of international solidarity with the Indian peoples of the Americas. The information for that day is included below. Bobigny, a town on the outskirts of Paris, has long been a stronghold of anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, and anti-racist activity, with a particular focus on the cases of Mumia and Leonard. Mumia received honorary citizenship from Bobigny, the mayor and others from the committee visited Philadelphia and New York City, and a strong bond of solidarity has been a long-established reality between our movements.


Collectif Unitaire National de Soutien à Mumia Abu-Jamal

43, boulevard de Magenta 75010 Paris – TEL 01 53 38 99 99 FAX 01 40 40 90 98 – E MAIL


A la suite de la décision (refus d'un nouveau procès) en juillet dernier par la juridiction fédérale de Pennsylvanie, l'avocat principal de Mumia, maître Robert R. Bryan, a déposé un mémoire début septembre auprès de la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis. Cet ultime recours devant la plus haute juridiction américaine a pour enjeu de faire reconnaître que Mumia a été victime d'un procès raciste, ce qui constitue une violation flagrante de la Constitution des Etats-Unis. Si, la Cour fait sienne la thèse de la défense, Mumia aura enfin droit à un nouveau procès. Si la Cour rejette le recours, Mumia sera définitivement condamné à la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité (décision de la Cour d'Appel Fédérale de mars dernier) … donc à mourir en prison ! A l'évidence, l'évolution de la situation judiciaire depuis le printemps dernier (annulation de la peine de mort mais confirmation de la culpabilité) semble rallier tous les adversaires de « la voix des sans voix ». L'objectif poursuivi est clair : pour faire perdurer la sentence de mort sur le sol américain, à défaut de pouvoir exécuter celui qui symbolise la lutte pour son abolition, les autorités tablent sur la démobilisation.

Pour sa part, le Collectif Unitaire National dénonce ce calcul morbide et poursuivra, en liaison avec la défense de Mumia et ses soutiens aux Etats-Unis, son action de sensibilisation et de mobilisation permettant à cet homme courageux et innocent de recouvrer justice et liberté.

Dans l'immédiat, nous vous invitons à diffuser largement le tract et le nouveau texte de pétition que vous trouverez en fichiers joints.

TROY DAVIS n'a pas été exécuté !

La mobilisation internationale a empêché l'irréparable. Comme Mumia, pour la deuxième fois de sa vie, Troy Davis (noir américain de 39 ans) a été sauvé in extremis. La Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis a accepté d'étudier la demande d'un nouveau procès formulée par la défense tout en précisant que le sursis accordé ne vaudrait que le temps de l'examen de l'appel. Comme le rappelle Amnesty International, dans un rapport en forme de contre-enquête, Troy Davis a été condamné à mort en 1991 pour le meurtre d'un policier blanc, sans que l'arme du crime n'ait été retrouvée, sans preuve matérielle, empreinte, ni traces d'ADN … mais sur la base de neuf témoignages dont sept se sont depuis rétractés ou contredits. La copie conforme d'une certaine affaire Mumia !

Pour sauver Troy Davis, poursuivons la campagne de mobilisation initiée par Amnesty International en signant la nouvelle pétition en ligne :


â–º la fréquentation du stand « Mumia » à la fête de l'Humanité a été particulièrement soutenue (beaucoup de jeunes visiteurs) : 3.500 tracts diffusés, 700 signatures recueillies sur la nouvelle pétition, 1.000 €uros de recette (deux tiers vente de livres et un tiers solidarité) ;

â–º deux nouvelles villes ont élevé Mumia au rang de citoyen d'honneur : SAUVETERRE du Gard et PORTES lès Valence.

30 septembre 2008

Jericho 10th Anniversary Weekend of Resistance


Demand Freedom for Our Political Prisoners and POWs!

10/10 and 10/11 actions to celebrate
the National Jericho Movement's 10th Anniversary

"One of the first steps we are going to become involved in as an Organization of Afro-American Unity will be to work with every leader and other organization in this country interested in a program designed to bring your and my problem before the United Nations ... We must take it out of the hands of the United States government."
- Malcolm X, Speech at Founding Rally of the OAAU,
28 June 1964


Moving Agitational Picket @ 12 Noon
1st Ave. from 42nd to 47th Sts. (Trains: 4,5,6 to 42d St.; 7 to Grand Central)
Bring your banners, signs, noisemakers, drums, whistles, etc.

Simultaneous delegation to United Nations for meeting inside UN

Evening Concert to Benefit the Prisoners
@ the Knitting Factory @ 74 Leonard St. (cor. of Church St.), Manhattan (Trains: 1, 9 to Franklin; A,C,E, N, R to Canal)
8 p.m. until . . .
Box office: 212-219-3132

SATURDAY, 11, 2008 @ 12 Noon

Rally at the Harlem State Office Building
@ 163 W. 125th Street (corner of Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.) (Trains: A,B,C,D,2,3 to 125th)

March through Harlem @ 1 p.m.

Closing Rally in Morningside Park @ 3 p.m. (Trains: B,C,2,3 to 110th)
Between 112th & 114th near Morningside Ave. entrances

For more information: * 718-853-0893 * 206-888-4001
To download a pledge sheet with what YOU can do, go to

Organized by the October 10th Coalition (list in formation):
Jericho Movement, Anarchist Black Cross Federation (NYC), Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), International Ctte. in Support of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, Leonard Peltier Support Group (NYC), Malcolm X Commemoration Ctte., ProLibertad, Resistance in Brooklyn, Safiya Bukhari/Nuh Washington Foundation.

Endorsers (list in formation):
Alvaro Luna Hernández, American Friends Service Committee/Criminal Justice Program (NYMRO), Anarchist Black Cross Federation, Andy Stepanian Support Committee, ANSWER Coalition, The Beautiful Struggle, Black United Front-Houston Chapter, Black Women's Defense League, Boston Anarchist Black Cross, CEMOTAP, The Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action, Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan, Friends of Jeffrey Free Luers, Gabriela Network, In Our Hearts Anarchist Network, International Action Center, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Justseeds, NEFAC-NY, NY Metropolitan Anarchist Alliance (NYMAA), Party for Liberation and Socialism, Pittsburgh Organizing Group, Prisoners of Conscience Committee (POCC), Puerto Rican Alliance of Los Angeles, Rock Dove Collective, Solidarity Without Borders-NYC, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, War Resisters League, WESPAC Foundation, Win Animal Rights, Workers World Party


TIME FRAME: Two Months!

PLAN OF ACTION: Donations urgently needed to finance the independent docufilms of FieldUp Productions!

PURPOSE OF ACTION: Our message is simple. We need your help to tell the true story of the continuing efforts of African-American movements by supporting our monumental documentary film projects. Our project is told by actual members who experienced the movement. A Power Sun and Wrack 21 are very important projects to be shared with the community at large. The voices and stories of actual members of the New York Chapter of the Black Panther Party drive the documentary, as well as dramatic elements and interviews with scholars and others involved in the case. It is rare that an almost forgotten part of the past is told with such passion and a sense of urgency. But the past is not forgotten by those who continue to work for the liberation of all people from poverty and violence, who love freedom, and who want to ensure that the sacrifices of our forefathers and mothers were not in vain.

The film’s director, writer and producer, Dawn McGhee says, “This film combines the true history of a dynamic movement, while re-creating the accounts of his story”. As many of you are aware, the dramatic re-enactments began this month with Irma P. Hall, Omar Wiseman, Mutulu "M1" Olugabala and Words are not enough to express our sincerity and appreciation to these individuals giving their time and talent to help us tell our story and it's commitment like theirs, as well as others on board, that show us how committed to Victory they are. We must pool together our resources and spread the word to family, friends, colleagues, and others to visit the website and donate!!!! Their and your help is greatly appreciated by political prisoners, prisoners of war, exiled comrades, the community, and of course, FieldUp Productions.

WEBSITES: and The site contains a fantastic array of photos of the production currently underway as well as a few videos in support of the project, please check it out!


1. Donations are the difference between these projects going forward or being halted, there is a tremendous sense of urgency. Please visit the FieldUp Website to make donations via PayPal. The amount is not important. Every cent helps.

2. Subscribe to the FieldUp newsletter, which is a fantastic way to keep up with production via e-mail. Please subscribe today at


GOAL: To acquire the necessary support to insure the completion of these very important and self-determined projects, time is of the essence!

Cashier’s checks/money orders payable to:

Field Up Productions LLC
PO Box 41329
Dallas, TX 75241


Donate using our secure online donations form at By your gift, you will know that you have helped us to tell our own stories and to keep the struggle for democracy and human rights alive.


1. Provide quality interpretations of Our Story to correctly educate our current and future generations regarding the government's war against the Black Liberation movement.

2. To inspire others to write, perform, and produce similar projects instead of allowing the enemies of our people to continue their disinformation campaigns unchallenged.

3. To build the movement to free all Political Prisoners and POW's, who have been abused, tortured and isolated within this government's dungeons for decades. Our freedom fighters have sacrificed much on our collective behalfs, are aging, and largely forgotten. We must support every effort in their fight for another chance of life outside of the walls!

For more info contact:,, or SAFC (Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign) @ for articles and other info by and about Bro. Sundiata Acoli.